
Implant Dentures - Removable Overdentures

Implant retained overdentures are used particularly for people with a loose or movable full lower denture . It provides stability as there is no suction with a lower denture. I work closely in conjunction with the oral surgeon or prosthodontics test to achieve a successful outcome.

Full Or Partial Dentures

Full dentures are for people that have no natural teeth present anymore. It is very important to achieve the correct vertical dimension, prominence, registration and cosmetic attribute that a patient requires .

Photos of the patients previous natural teeth is always a great way of achieving a positive final outcome. I like having a relative or spouse present at the fitting visit to offer their thoughts. If this can’t be done, I often send the patient home with a mock denture version (these don't last as long as real dentures)  to sit for an hour or two, testing the feel and appearance of the dentures. Any changes can be made at this point to get the perfect fit.

Full dentures may have extras for example metal palates and soft lining material to the lower denture for extra comfort.

Some people like their names in the dentures as a type of insurance from losing the dentures in certain situations such as hospital visits.

There are different levels of teeth to choose from standard to premium  as well as different angled cusps depending on your chewing patterns .

The same goes for partial dentures meaning patients still have some natural teeth present. Getting the correct shade match is very important. Partial dentures can be manufactured in either rigid, heat cured acrylic, metal framework, which is generally less bulky and stronger or in the latest flexible resins.

With both full or partial dentures its important to get the design right for that particular patient.

Immediate Dentures

Immediate dentures are when people don’t want to be without teeth . They are manufactured prior to the extraction of the natural teeth and inserted immediately following the extractions while the patient is still under anaesthetic. Most people get there first dentures this way.

Repairs & Relines

Accidents happen, either in the mouth biting something hard or trauma to the mouth or even as simple as dropping your dentures on the bathroom tiles. Often people’s dentures are still in good condition but are loose whether it be from excessive cleaning with a hard brush or wait loss due to illness or dieting . Relines may be all that's needed.

Custom Mouth Guards

I’m make a lot of mouth guards for the Geelong community every year , usually seasonal, whether it be for football, rugby, basket ball, Taikwondo and other contact sports.. I can supply all the colours in fast turnaround time . Like all my products, they can be claimed through private health insurance. Find out more here.

Teeth Whitening

We are finding teeth whitening in hot demand at the moment. We have affordable solutions such as take home teeth whitening kits. Talk to me about how we can help.

full dentures
partial dentures
metal plate dentures
custom mouth guard
teeth whitening